Docker Commands & Run

Basic Docker Commands


Start a container

  • docker run nginx
    • if image is not present pull image from docker hub
    • if image is present it will reuse
  • docker run -it nginx bash
    • to see directly in terminal use -it option

Give name to a container

  • docker run --name <name> <image>

List containers

→ docker randomly give conatiner_id and names to running container

  • docker ps
    • list containers
    • running containers
  • docker ps -a
    • running containers + previously stopped or exited containers

Stop a container

  • docker stop <container id>
  • docker stop <docker name>
    • no running containers
    • remains in docker ps -a with Exited status

Remove containers

→ when want to get rid of it from lying space

  • docker rm <container id>
  • docker rm <docker name>
    • no longer present in docker ps -a

Get container ids

  • docker ps -aq
  • remove all containers
    • docker rm $(docker ps -aq)


List images

  • docker images

Get all image ids

  • docker images -aq

Remove images

  • docker rmi nginx
    • delete all dependent containers to remove image!

Download an image

  • docker pull nginx
    • only pull image, not run docker image

Docker run

No hosting in docker

Containers are not meant to host an operating system.
Containers are meant to run a specific task or process.

  • such as to host an instance of a web server or application server, …

Once the task is complete the container exits a container.
Container only lives as long as the process inside it is alive.

Append a command

  • docker run ubuntu sleep 5

Execute a command

I would like to see the contents of a file inside some particular containers.

  • docker exec <run name> cat /etc/hosts

Attach and Detach

  • docker run kodekloud/simple-webapp
    • when attached, you can not do anything.
  • docker run -d kodekloud/simple-webapp
    • detach mode, it runs in background mode.
    • To attach again
      • docker attach <name or run_id>

Docker Run


  • docker run <image>:<tag>
    • no specific tag → use latest tag.


by default, docker container does not listen to standard input, even attached.

  • -i
    • interactive mode
  • -t
    • pseudo terminal
  • -it
    • use two options

PORT Mapping


  • IP of docker container
    • internal IP and is only accessible within the docker host.
  • IP of docker host
    • -p
    • docker run -p <host_port>:<internal_port> <image name>

Volume Mapping


  • docker container has its own isolated file system.
  • if want to persist data, map a directory outside the container on the docker host to ad directory inside the container
  • -v
  • docker run -v <host volume>:<docker volume <image name>

Inspect Container

  • docker inspect <container id | name>

Container Logs

  • docker logs <container id | name>
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