Apache Kafka 101

Apache Kafka 101

Apache Kafka 101

1. Events


  • many use cases
  • ⇒ start from event streaming platform


  • What is Event?
    • things that have happened combined with the description of what happend
    • ⇒ notification + state
  • eg)
    • IOT
    • Business Process Change
    • User Interaction
    • Microservice Output
  • Notification
    • the element of when-ness that can be used to trigger some other activity
  • State
    • Usually small (less than a megabyte)
    • normally represented in some structured format (JSON, an object serialized with Apache Avro or Protocol Buffers)

Key / Value

  • kafka models events as key/value pair
  • Internally: sequence of bytes
  • externally: structured objects represented in language’s type system
    • (JSON, JSON Schema, Avro, or Protobuf)

3. Topics


  • most fundamental unit of Kafka
  • something like a table in a relational database

Named container for similar events

  • create different topics to hold
    • different kinds of events
    • filtered and transformed versions of the same kind of event
      • → can duplicate data between topics

A topic is a log of events

  • Logs
    1. Append only: when writing a new message into a log, it always goes on the end
    2. Can only seek by offset, not indexed
    3. Immutable: once something has happened, it is difficult to make it un-happen

Topics are durable

  • Logs are durable
  • Retention is configurable
    • expire data after it has reached a certain age
    • topic overall reached a certain size
  • Logs on Kafka topics are files stored on disk
    • write on event to a topic, it is durable as it would be of you had written it to any database you ever trusted.

4. Partitioning

  • Kafka: Distributed System
    • no one topic could ever get too big
    • aspire to accommodate too many reads and writes

What is Partitioning?

  • takes the single topic log
    • → breaks it into multiple logs
    • → each of which can live on a separate node on cluster
  • need a way of deciding which messages to write to which partition
    • message with no key
    • message with a key

Message with no key

  • round-robin among all the topic’s partitions
  • pros) all partitions get an even share of the data
  • cons) don’t preserve any kind of ordering of the input message

Message with a key

  • destination partition will be computed from a has of the key
    • output of hash function mode of # of partitions
    • guarantee that messages having same key always land in same partition
  • pros) always in order
  • cons) what if very active key? → a larger and more active partition
    • ⇒ risk is small in practice and manageable

6. Brokers

Kafka Brokers

  • Actual Computers
  • Kafka is composed of a network of machines called brokers
    • machines can be an computer, instance, or container running the Kafka process
  • Each broker hosts some set of Kafka partitions
    • handles incoming requests
      • to write new events to those partitions
      • to read events from them
    • handles replication of partitions

7. Replication

  • Copies of data for fault tolerance
    • if we store each partition to one broker → susceptible to failure → we need copy partitions data to several brokers
  • One lead partition and N-1 followers
    • Leader: writes and reads happens
    • Follower: works together to replicate those new writes
  • Automatic process → developer don’t need to worry about it

8. Producers

Kafka Producer

  • application using Kafka : Producer and Consumer
  • Producing and Consuming: how to interface with cluster
  • API surface of the producer library is fairly lightweight

9. Consumers

Kafka Consumer

  • many consumers read one topic
    • reading does not destroy message
  • Rebalancing processes
    • using same group ID → fairly split data to consumer
  • traditional topic
    • keep ordering guarantee in place
    • sacrifice the ability to scale out consumers

11. Ecosystem

  • Infrastructure
    • doesn’t contribute value directly to customers
    • best case ← provided by community or an infrastructure vendor
  • eg)
    • Kafka Connect
    • Confluent Schema Registry
    • Kafka Streams
    • ksqlDB

12. Kafka Connect

  • Job of Kafka connect
    • the data those other systems to get into Kafka topics
    • data in Kafka topics to get into those system

What does Kafka Connect Do?

  • Data integration system and ecosystem
  • a client application
    • External client process; does not run on Brokers
      • if something is not a broker is an producer or and consumer
    • Horizontally scalable
    • Fault-tolerant

How Kafka Connect Works

Kafka Connect Workflow

  • Connect worker runs one or more connectors
  • Connectors
    • pluggable software component
    • interfacing with the external system
    • Also exist as runtime entities
  • Source connector (acts as Producer)
    • reads data from and external system and produces it to a Kafka topi
  • Sink connector (acts as Consumer)
    • subscribes to one or more Kafka topics and writes the messages it reads to an external system

Benefits of Kafka Connect

  • large ecosystem of connectors

14. Confluent Schema Registry

  • To solve two problems
    1. New consumers of existing topics will emerge
      • → need to understand the format of the message in the topic
    2. The format of those message will evolve as the business evolves
      • → the schemas of domain objects is a constantly moving target
      • must have a way of agreeing on the schema of messages in any given topic

What is Schema Registry

  • Sever Process external to Kafka brokers
  • Job: maintain a database of schemas
    • schema: that have been written into topics in the cluster for which it is responsible.
    • database: internal Kafka topic and cached in Schema Registry for lower latency access
  • Consumer/Producer API Component
    • Process
      1. calls on API at the Schema Registry REST endpoint
      2. presents the schema of the new message
    • Response
      • Produce side
        • if same as last message → produce succeed
        • if different from last message
          • but matches the compatibility rules defined for the topic → produce succeed
          • violates compatibility rules → produce fail in a way that the application code can detect
      • Consume side
        • Consumer API prevents incompatible message from being consumed
  • Support Formats
    • JSON Schema
    • Avro
    • Protocol Buffers

16. Kafka Stream

  • Consumer tend to grow in complexity
    • started from stateless transformation (masking, changing format)
    • →being complexity → stateful
  • state
    • memory allocated in program’s heap
    • → fault-tolerant liability

Kafka Stream

  • Functional Java API
  • Filtering, grouping, aggregating, joining, and more
  • Scalable, fault-tolerant state management
  • Integrates within your services as a library
  • Runs in the context of your application
  • Does not require special infrastructure
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